Submission Guidelines
Check back for open submissions for FROST ZONE STORIES Book 3 & 4
as well as FROST BITES: micro fiction (drabbles, double-drabbles)
Canadian biannual publication of dark literary fiction.
(Submissions were open Nov2-16/24)
First issue/BOOK 1 to be published Spring/25
Frost Zone Stories is biannual: with Spring and Autumn publications.
This submission period is for book1, but may also be used for book 2.
Please do not include your name in the story manuscript, nor in the file name, so that submissions can be read anonymously.
Short Fiction: We are seeking original, clear and concise, unpublished short stories preferably 1800 - 3800 words. (leeway of 200 words if you story requires it).
Submit only one story per submission period.
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know as soon as possible if accepted elsewhere.
Dark Literary Fiction, Quiet Horror, Literary Horror
This covers a wide range of subject matter including shadowy, bleak literary stories, tales of the supernatural, folk horror, hauntings, misadventure, psychological horror and more - including the unexpected, the dreadful, the chilling, and the strange. If you're not sure - send it, but -
- we're sorry even though we are fans of a wide range of dark fiction and horror this is not the best place for extreme horror, ultra violence, or erotica.
We also will not publish stories containing: animal cruelty, child abuse, sexual assault, graphic or explicit sexual content, extreme horror, anything pro-ageism, pro-bigotry, hatred or prejudice toward any group/demographic.
No AI: we do not want to publish work created in whole or in part or assisted by artificial intelligence.
We want to publish your words, not machine-generated words, which by the way are taken from other authors' work - that is how these 'programs' are trained. So no, no thank you.
We also aim to never use AI generated art. We will create art in-house, or at times pay trusted artists to license their work.
Frost Zone is based in CANADA and payments are issued in Canadian funds.
The following is our starting point. We hope to offer more in due course.
We are not open exclusively to Canadians, but if you are submitting from outside Canada, please understand what you will receive if you opt for the $ and one contributor copy, rather than two contributor copies.
Canadians will be paid via eTransfer
Each accepted Canadian author will be sent a flat rate in CANADIAN DOLLARS of $15.00 and one print contributor's copy or two print copies.
Each accepted author located outside of Canada will be sent two print copies of the book in which they appear or, via Paypal, a flat rate in CANADIAN DOLLARS of $15.00 (less currency conversion and Paypal fees) and one print contributor's copy.
We suggest that two copies is the better option for those outside of Canada.
We cannot predict exchange rates, and have no control over the fees which you will be charged by Paypal. We do not have access to alternative payment options, which are available to publishers based in other countries such as the USA or UK.
RIGHTS: if your story is accepted we will seek first worldwide English language rights for print and digital/eBook publication. We ask for exclusivity for three months and non-exclusive rights thereafter.
Author retains copyright to their work.
Format for submissions: preferably double-spaced in a standard font (such as Times New Roman) 12 pt. .doc or .docx file - similar to
SHUNN modern or classic but without identifying information. There is no need to include your address or telephone number; we will ask for these only if your story is accepted. Please do include your general location (Country) in either the cover letter or bio section in the submission form.
REMINDER: do not put your name on the manuscript or in file name. Stories are to be read anonymously for impartial rating. (There is a place for you to enter your name and email etc. in the submission manager).
Decisions may take longer than usual for the first submissions period. We plan to begin sending declinations soon after the submissions window closes, with final decisions expected to be made by the end of January, or early February 2025.
Please keep in mind that declinations (rejections) are never personal. Responses will be sent as form letters. Each issue will be carefully curated and the 6-8 or so stories that work best for us will be selected to make up each book.
We are looking only for FICTION. Each issue will have a notice similar to the following. Please make sure your story complies.
The stories in this publication are works of fiction. Characters, names, places, events, and businesses are either fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, places, events, or businesses is purely coincidental. Each story is the product of the author's imagination.
Submissions are taken through Dumosuma® and the call will be open on dates specified at top of this page.
Authors must be 18 years old or over to submit stories to us.
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